This post is based on my presentation at the MISAC Conference in Monterey, CA, September 24th, 2024.

Embracing AI: The Best Intern You’ve Ever Had!

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a hot topic lately, and it’s not just hype. From Oprah to boardrooms, everyone is talking about it. As IT leaders, we have a responsibility to educate our organizations on both the risks and benefits of this rapidly evolving technology. It’s time to shift our focus from speculation to practical application—especially in government sectors like cities, counties, and other local and state agencies.

Why AI Matters for Public Sector IT

A staggering 73% of desk workers believe AI will have a substantial impact on their work lives. Many are already using AI tools to enhance their productivity, yet they remain concerned about job security. This highlights a paradox: while AI is seen as a tool for efficiency, it also raises fears about job displacement.

As public sector leaders, we need to address these concerns head-on. We must ensure that AI works for us, not against us, and that our teams feel empowered rather than threatened by these tools.

AI: The Ultimate Intern

Think of AI as your best intern ever—one that’s always available, efficient, and able to handle repetitive tasks without complaint. However, like any intern, AI has its limitations. It can sometimes misremember or fabricate information, and it lacks the emotional intelligence and creativity that human interns bring to the table.

How AI Resembles an Intern:

Needs Clear Instructions: Just as interns need specific guidelines to avoid mistakes, AI requires precise prompts to deliver accurate results.

Learns from Experience: With the right feedback, both interns and AI improve over time.

Handles Repetitive Tasks Efficiently: AI excels at tasks that are data-intensive or repetitive, freeing up human staff for more complex work.

Where Interns Have the Edge:

Emotional Intelligence: Human interns can empathize and connect in ways that AI cannot.

Creativity: Interns often bring fresh, out-of-the-box thinking that complements data-driven AI suggestions.

AI’s Superpowers:

Accuracy: AI can deliver consistent and precise results.

Speed: It processes data exponentially faster than any human can.

Scalability: AI can handle increasing workloads without the need for additional resources.

Overcoming Barriers to AI Adoption

Despite its potential, many organizations are hesitant to embrace AI. According to Microsoft’s 2024 Work Trend Index, less than 10% of workers have high trust in AI’s output. This lack of trust can stymie adoption, leaving organizations at a standstill.

The PET Strategy: Permission, Education, and Training

1.Permission: Establish clear governance and ethical guidelines for AI use within your organization. This sets the stage for safe and productive AI adoption.

2.Education: Educate your team about what AI is and what it is not. Address misconceptions and provide a solid understanding of AI’s capabilities and limitations.

3.Training: Equip your staff with the skills they need to use AI tools effectively. Hands-on training builds confidence and competence, making AI a valuable asset rather than a feared disruptor.

Keys to AI Success

1.Get to Know AI: Familiarize yourself with AI tools and concepts before diving in. Understand the basics and explore how AI can be integrated into your organization.

2.Fill Your Data Gaps: AI is only as good as the data it works with. Make sure your data is accurate, up-to-date, and well-organized.

3.Be Clear on ROI: Identify areas where AI can deliver the most value and build metrics to measure its impact.

4.Consider Budget Realistically: Account for the costs of data readiness, cloud services, and ongoing training.

5.Commit for the Long Haul: AI isn’t a quick fix. It requires ongoing effort, iteration, and adaptation.

Practical Use Cases and Tools

For those new to AI, off-the-shelf tools like ChatGPT, Claude, and Microsoft’s Copilot offer a great starting point. These tools are accessible, easy to use, and can provide immediate benefits in automating document creation, report drafting, and even strategic planning.

For more advanced needs, consider integrating AI into existing services or exploring custom solutions like Microsoft’s “Chat Playground” in Azure AI. These platforms offer robust capabilities for developing internal tools tailored to your organization’s specific needs.

Conclusion: Let’s Make AI Work for Us

Generative AI isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a transformative tool that can revolutionize how we lead IT and serve our communities. The question isn’t whether we should adopt AI, but how quickly we can implement it to make government more efficient, transparent, and responsive.

Let’s not just talk about the possibilities—let’s implement them. Together, we can harness the power of AI to drive meaningful change in the public sector.

This blog post aims to share my excitement and ongoing learning journey in applying AI to government work. If you’re an IT leader in the public sector, I encourage you to explore these possibilities and join the conversation. Let’s make AI the best intern we’ve ever had!

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Oprah Winfrey explores the future of AI technology

CNBC | SurveyMonkey Workforce Survey – December 2023

2024 Work Trend Index Annual Report from Microsoft and LinkedIn

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Forbes – The Employees Secretly Using AI at Work

Ernst & Young Report – Insights Into the Integration of AI in Government

Los Angeles A.I. Roadmap – June 2024

CA Department of Technology – Artificial Intelligence Community

Government AI Coalition – Sponsored by City of San Jose